Hey everybody,
I'm in. I know a lot of people have been waiting for me to get going on this thing, but I have been just crazy busy. With the help of my wonderful girlfriend Candace, we finally got set up this morning. I hope the Q & A was interesting and maybe answered some questions you may have about me.
Since the trials I have been so busy. I wanted to start training immediately, but that was kind of put on hold by a trip to New York for some fund raising, and I actually got to be at the ringing of the 'Closing Bell' on Wall Street. I'm in the way back, next to Lee Kemp, because I had just finished arm throwing one of the analysts(Dylan Ratigan, Fast Money). So I barely made it, but it was a great experience. The training has been great since them. Very tough and the team has responded well. No whining and a very positive energy around our room. We have pushed through tough situations and been smart when we have had to.
We started our first camp in Colorado Springs. It has been extremely challenging both physically and mentally. We have some wrestlers from Germany and Uzbekistan training with us, and they are 'tough as nails' like usual. It is always great to train with foreign competitors because the way the europeans train and compete is a lot different then us.
Check in with me soon as I will talk about our team, the first camp and our trip to Vegas last weekend.
How's it going Brad? Good luck in Beijing.
Hey Brad,
checking out your blog...glad to know training is going well. We keep you in our prayers and thoughts.
Tammy...aka Schroeders other half
Hey Brad, so im excited that u got ur blog... we didnt get letters sent so i decided to write u on here. Right now were getting ready for the fair thats this week. O and i am done w vball open gym for the summer! its so hard to believe that school is goin to start in just a couple of weeks. This summer has been so busy and its goin way to fast. But its really late and i need to get to bed cus i have agility camp tom morning and i have to go get my back looked at cus i hurt it by falling on wet grass...(pretty pathetic i no) but neway ive been thinking about u everyday and hoping ur training is goin good... i hope u had fun on ur get away trip...n good luck in beijing... miss ya , Love Riley
Hi Brad,
Just wanted to tell you that no matter how Beijing turns out we still love you...
hey brad, just got home from the big colfax county fair...went over with mom and dad....saw dick and linda and the boys over there....the boys were in the ranch rodeo....nathan abel was there too....they all wish you the best of luck in china....
i got a new pair of nike tennis shoes yesterday...the swish is in gold...gold is the only color on our mind right now...RIGHT....
well, talk about excited....we don't leave for 2 weeks, and i have packed and unpacked my suitcase daily for the last 3 days...can't wait to watch you kick those other guys right out of china.....
brad, have a safe trip over and best of luck....we know that God willing you will be on the top of the podium on august 14th....but if for some reason your not..know that your family, friends, and fans are extremely proud of you and all your accomplishments...
you said that your last match will be a very emotional one...i just want you to know that for your family it will also be a very emotional time....we have very much enjoyed watching you wrestle over the last 25 years....and we thank you for the places you have taken us.....we are PROUD to call you our brother and uncle.....
tell candace and larry hi!
love, keith, rhonda, micky j, laura lou, and trevor t.
p.s. when you get over to china, if you find out any kind of tv schedule, please let someone know...everyone is asking...
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